I’m still here!
Most of my time at the moment has been dominated by life. My fiancée and I are planning to move so there has been a lot of upheaval and a change to my current priorities. As a result I’ve not had as much time as I would have liked to code recently. We have been looking for a new house and consequently making our current house a bit easier on the eye, ready to sell that. Also, just to add a bit of fun to all of this, we’ve just come back from a great holiday in Mexico!
However, despite all this, the #ParadroidRemake has still been progressing along.
For starters I have introduced a new element on the main game screen – the “Info Bar”. It’s a mini H.U.D that displays information about the game in real time. Currently it shows the Dreadnaught, deck you are on, the alert status and the players health (and maximum health). Additionally it adds a weapons animated cool down, control method selected (keyboard or joystick) and the usual sound and music icons. Some of the purists of the original game may not like this add-on so it will be made toggle-able in the released game.
Also I have made inroads to enemy droid creation code. I will write more about this and the Info Bar in a later post as there’s a lot to talk about.
Also, for a bit off fun, I decided to revisit my last game that was released on the IOS App Store – iDef. As my experience of Game Studio is growing every day, I decided to see how long it would take to rewrite it from scratch in the new development system. The original iPhone and iPad game (sadly no longer available) was written in Objective-C, using the Cocos2D framework. The revised version isn’t complete, but is currently playable, so I will be talking about this in a future post.