Paradroid Graphics, Part 2
In my last post, I discussed how I got to the TileSet that I used in Waca Waca. In this post, I am going to talk about where I went from there to 3 full sets for our upcoming version of Paradroid. Once I had a complete set of tiles for the game with animations for […]
Paradroid Graphics, Part 1
In an earlier post, I mentioned that I had created a Paradroid level just for testing out the wall collisions in a project that ended up being a tribute to PacMan that I called (WacaWaca). Initially, I spent a long time trawling the internet, looking for the whole game ripped out, with all the graphics […]

The game has changed …
So a lot has changed since my previous post. Tony decided that Unity was not working for him, so he threw his toys out of his big, big pram =) If I am honest, I spent around six months playing with Unity, occasionally having eureka moments but, more frequently than not, having @#%& moments. Firstly […]

So both of us decided that we should try to recreate Paradroid as our new development project using Unity. Why Paradroid? The main reason being that it’s still one of the best games ever written – and neither of us have ever come across a remake that plays or feels as good as the original. […]

I am Batman!
I have been lucky enough to own the PSVR (PlayStation 4 Virtual Reality headset and kit) since the day of release. I would have to say that this has made gaming a new experience that I am really enjoying. Sony has done a really good job on the headset and the games that have been released […]